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The SAM Registy

Patient Outcomes for Clinicians

SAM Registry brings together the clinicians from Surgical and Medical Societies

How does it work?

SAM Registry is a national clinical outcomes registry. It offers a user-friendly and secure online platform where clinicians can track and monitor patient-reported outcomes. From post-operative complications to recovery times, comorbidities to medication, patient satisfaction to quality-of-life measures, the registry captures valuable data points that allow clinicians to gain insights into their own practice patterns and compare their outcomes with national benchmarks.

Join a partner society to gain access

Join a partner surgical or medical society, and as part of your membership benefits you get access to the SAM registry. Complete the signup form above to activate your account.

Make SAM Registry the centre of you patient records

Add patients to SAM Registry as if it is your primary clinical record. Clinician encounters, Admissions and Operation notes are all captured. Encounters can be summarised and exported as formatted PDF documents.

A patient portal allows for patients to capture baseline and follow-up scores directly. Patients are contacted at specified time points on the clinicians behalf, and Patient reported outcomes (PROMs) are captured automatically.

Review and Analyse Outcomes

National & Clinician Outcomes give clinicians insights into their own practice and compare them to national benchmarks.

The use of validated, intervention specific forms and PROMs means data can be trusted and realistic comparisons or conclusions can be made.


In today's healthcare landscape, the importance of data-driven decision-making cannot be overstated. By harnessing the power of information, SAM Registry aims to enhance surgical practices, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately elevate the quality of care delivered to patients in both the public and private healthcare settings.

A Non Profit Organisation

Through the financial support of societies, companies and organisations, we give clinicians the opportunity to leverage the benefits of a comprehensive registry without financial constraints. Empowering surgeons from all practice settings to contribute to the advancement of surgical and medical care in South Africa.

The Centre of Surgical & Medical Societies

Collaboration lies at the heart of SAM Registry. By partnering with South African Surgical and Medical Societies, we bring together a diverse community of surgeons, physicians, university researchers, dietitians, physiotherapists, and other healthcare professionals – all dedicated to advancing patient outcomes. Through these partnerships, we foster knowledge sharing, promote research collaborations, and drive the adoption of best practices across the clinical landscape.

Cloud Based Platform

Research is made easy via a cloud based platform that is accessible from any location. The breadth of participants and contributors can be significantly increased due to this easy access.

The best tools from the leading supplier of electronic patient-reported outcome measures (ePROMs) to both the NHS and private healthcare sector in the UK and South Africa

SAM Registry has selected Amplitude Clinical Outcomes as the Regsitry Service Provider

Speciality Specific Pathways Ready to Deploy

Automated Capture of Patient Reported Outcomes

Customised and Detailed Templates for Reporting

Enterprise Infrastructure

Detailed Patient and Clinician Consent Management

Seamless Integrations with Amplitude Enterprise

Worklists and Whiteboards for task and practice management

Secure Cloud Storage

  • Phone

    +27 21 558 1124

  • Address

    Dept of Surgery, Stellenbosch University